Trinity Presbyterian Church, 105 Irem Road in Dallas (across from route 309 from the Country Club Shopping Center), will hold its annual gigantic rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, June 3, and 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 4, in the Fellowship Hall. Saturday will be bag day for as much as you can stuff into a large brown grocery bag for $2. Board of Deacons planning the event, seated from left, are: Kate Pitkat, Karen Perzia, Carol Vanstory and Erin Yurko. Standing: C. Don Kocher, Richard Burkhardt, Mark Chappell, president; Rev. Jennifer Baer and Sandy Peoples. Deacons not available: Thelma Smith, Nancy Williams, Shirley Wolfkeil and Tom Pickett.