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Deadline approaching for CHIRP grants

If you own a hospitality business in Luzerne County that’s been affected by COVID-19, the deadline to apply for grants from the county is fast approaching.
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If you own a hospitality business in Luzerne County that’s been affected by COVID-19, the deadline to apply for grants from the county is fast approaching. File photo

If you own a hospitality business in Luzerne County that’s been affected by COVID-19, the deadline to apply for grants from the county is fast approaching.

Luzerne County’s COVID-19 Hospitality Industry Recovery Program — shortened to CHIRP — is providing grants for hospitality businesses, which are among those that have struggled the most during the ongoing pandemic and its economic fallout.

CHIRP is providing grants between $5,000 and $50,000 to eligible businesses, but the deadline for application is on April 5.

Funds are being provided through Act 1 of 2021, signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf on Feb. 5, which provides $145 million in funds to aid hospitality businesses. In Luzerne County, the funds are being distributed by CAN DO Inc. and the Wilkes-Barre Industrial Fund.

The funds distributed by the program are grants, not loans, meaning they do not need to be paid back. The grants can be used for payroll or other business expenses that could be incurred.

But funds are limited, so it’s important to apply soon. You can apply online at

It’s worth noting that applications are only available online.

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