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First-time voters share their thoughts about this presidential election

It took eight years, but, in this election, a 26-year-old Harveys Lake resident is finally ready to vote.

David Puffenberger, 26, will be a first-time voter in the presidential election on Nov. 8 because he “didn’t care enough” about the last two elections to make an educated decision, he said before this year’s first presidential debate on Sept. 26.

“At 26 years old, I feel that I have finally lived enough to understand how the world works,” Puffenberger said.

Though he’s an open supporter of Republican candidate Donald Trump because the millionaire businessman is not a career politician, he maintains a belief that both candidates are bad choices.

“We have ended up with two candidates that honestly should have never been there in the first place,” he said.

Also a first-time voter, Ann Rhein, 24, of Wilkes-Barre, agrees with Puffenberger — not about his choice, but about the candidates not being the best choice.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton “certainly isn’t a saint or our saving grace, but is probably the lesser of the two evils with the point we are at now,” she said Tuesday, before the third presidential debate.

Rhein, who is originally from New York, believes voting for a third-party candidate would be a vote for Trump.

“Trump being Trump and the way he runs his business, I wouldn’t want him as president,” she said. “He’s a big mouth and what does he honestly care about? No one but himself.”

Both Puffenberger and Rhein are excited for their chance to have a say in who will be the next president.

“I know I’m only one vote, but it was worth a shot,” Rhein said.

The third and final debate didn’t affect students at Wilkes University. First time presidential election voters Michael Vanchieri, Emily Bellanco and Meghan Burns all had their minds made up before the candidates took the stage, the students said.

Vanchieri, 19, is openly supporting Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, while Bellanco, 20, is voting for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

Both voters feel they are informed about this election.

“I find sites compiled with just facts,” Vanchieri said.

“I find independent sources, when I can,” Bellanco added.

They are both excited for casting their vote on election day because they are worried about future generations.

“Very important because the decision we make now is going to send us forward, or send us backwards,” Bellanco said. Bellanco noted that as she starts her career and has a family, she hopes to be more informed because other generations will then count on the decision. “For our adulthood, we’re going to have to deal with those consequences.”

Burns, 21, thinks she’s informed because although she and her parents “try to avoid the subject,” there are discussions on politics in her classes.

The students expected this election to be different than others but they doesn’t feel disenfranchised as youth voters.

“Nasty comments are expected to a degree, but campaigns are taking it to the extreme,” she said.

Vanchieri said he had an idea of how the election cycle was going to go when Clinton and Trump were nominated.

“I had my expectations met,” he said.

Students at Wilkes University react during a focus group on the upcoming 2016 Presidental election. Some of the students are first-time voters. at Wilkes University react during a focus group on the upcoming 2016 Presidental election. Some of the students are first-time voters. Tony Callaio | For Times Leader
First-time voter and Wilkes University sophomore Allyson Sebolka shares her thoughts on the presidental election. voter and Wilkes University sophomore Allyson Sebolka shares her thoughts on the presidental election. Tony Callaio | For Times Leader
Emily Bellanco, 20, a first-time presidential election voter, talks about the 2016 election. Bellanco, 20, a first-time presidential election voter, talks about the 2016 election. Tony Callaio | For Times Leader

By Melanie Mizenko

Reach Melanie Mizenko at 570-991-6116 or on Twitter @TL_MMizenko.

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Video Caption: During a focus group at Wilkes, reporter Melanie Mizenko caught up with a group of first-time voters and heard their thoughts on the upcoming election.
Video Credit: Melanie Mizenko | Times Leader
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