WILKES-BARRE — Secretary of State Pedro A. Cortés reminded voters Tuesday was the final day to apply for an absentee ballot and completed ballots must be returned to the county election bureau by Friday at 5 p.m.

“As everyone knows, we have a very important General Election coming up on Nov. 8,” Cortés said in an emailed news release. “Absentee balloting gives eligible Pennsylvanians who are unable to go to the polls on Election Day the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.”

Cortés encouraged people to submit their requests and present their absentee ballot in person at their County Board of Elections Office.

“Due to recent cutbacks in service by the U.S. Postal Service, anyone who is planning to mail their absentee ballot risks missing the deadline,” Cortés explained.

At the Luzerne County Bureau of Elections, nearly 200 absentee ballots were returned completed on Tuesday. An office staffer said there have been “far more” absentee ballots requested in this election than in any in recent memory.

Nobody in the office could offer any reasons for the increase and it is unknown if it indicates what the voter turnout will be on Nov. 8.

Comprehensive information about absentee ballots, including a downloadable request form, can be found at the Department of State’s website — votesPA.com.

Applicants will be asked to supply basic voter registration information and to specify a reason for applying to vote absentee.

Absentee ballots may be cast by deployed members of the military, Pennsylvania students attending out-of-state colleges or universities, individuals with illnesses or disabilities and individuals who will be away from their municipality on business on Election Day.

Pennsylvanians applying for an absentee ballot must provide their driver’s license or PennDOT ID number. If they do not have a driver’s license or PennDOT ID, they must give the last four digits of their Social Security number. If a voter has neither, he or she must present a copy of an acceptable photo ID. A list of approved alternative types of identification is available at votesPA.com.

An absentee voter can designate someone else to deliver the absentee application and ballot if he or she is physically unable to do so. Certification of Designated Agent forms are also available online.

For additional information, call 1-877-VOTESPA (1-877-868-3772) or visit votesPA.com.


By Bill O’Boyle


Reach Bill O’Boyle at 570-991-6118 or on Twitter @TLBillOBoyle.